Bug #3091 - Clean up of incorrect account PI association This applies to your campus only if you are using "Account PI" interface batch process. 1. Run the following SQL to identify the projects and associated PIs as account PI Select c.sp_id, c.project_id, a.emp_id, a.account_pi From erspi a, erssponsoredproject c Where a.sp_id = c.sp_id And a.account_pi = 'Y' And exists (Select * From erspi b Where a.sp_id = b.sp_id And a.emp_id != b.emp_id And b.account_pi = 'Y') Order by c.project_id; 2. The result will give you all the projects with multiple account PIs. 3. Review the list and identify incorrect account PI associations. 4. There are two ways to correct the incorrect data: a) Create and process an account PI interface file for all incorrect account PI associations: Employee Id Project Id Action Code = 'D' b) Execute the following SQL for each of the incorrect account PI association: Update erspi Set account_pi = 'N' Where sp_id = ??? And emp_id = ???;